Looking for a data consultant? Try Canvas first

Your startup is growing fast. You’re collecting valuable data. But silos are forming and it's becoming difficult to wrangle all of the data you need into a single source of truth.  

Traditionally, you would look for help from a data analytics consulting group to get your data centralized in a warehouse and prepared for analytics. At Canvas, we’re changing this status quo. In this post, we’ll walk you through why Canvas might be a better option to get data-driven quickly.

Get a modern data stack in minutes, not months

Canvas gives you the ability to explore your data without having to work with consultants to set up a data stack. Canvas will automatically provision a stack for you with the best-in-class tools. Specifically, Canvas uses:

  • Snowflake for data warehousing and compute
  • Fivetran for authentication and ELT
  • Optionally, dbt for transform

We’ve audited all of these tools for being the best in usability and security - we even use this same stack internally.

Connect your SaaS tools without engineering

With Fivetran, you can connect over 150 SaaS tools or databases without code. Once you sign up for Canvas, you can connect these tools, authenticate with them via OAuth or API key, and start exploring your data.

One-click dashboards

Traditionally, you’d need to scope the metrics you want to track with data consultants and wait weeks or months to use those metrics. With Canvas's templates, you'll instantly get popular SaaS metrics for apps like Stripe, Salesforce, Quickbooks, and Segment. In addition to metrics, you'll also get access to exploratory models that would typically require significant manual work to create.

Explore data without SQL

Want to dive deeper into your data? Canvas gives your business teams a spreadsheet-like interface to filter, join, pivot, create charts, and even write spreadsheet formulas to create new models without SQL.

Your fractional data team

Have complex business logic that you need help modeling? For metrics that aren’t available as templates, Canvas has a team of experts that can help you with custom data work. Just purchase a block of hours that you can use whenever. You’ll get a team that already knows your data and the Canvas platform, so you can get the data you need faster.

Migrate your data when you scale

We expect many of our customers to grow and want more control over their stack. Our architecture makes this easy - we just hope you like the Canvas front-end by then to keep it!

Your modern data stack, managed by Canvas

These are just some of the benefits you’ll get with Canvas. If you’re looking to get data-driven faster, sign up today or contact us if you have questions. We’d love to chat!